Our FamOff to CollegeDrew has been with us for 2 years as a Customer Service Representative. Madison joined us this summer as our marketing intern. We want to wish Drew and Madison the best of luck as they both head to UW-Platteville.
August AnniversariesRoot Beer Float DayWhy wouldn't you celebrate this day?! On August 6th we had root beer floats available all day for customers. And of course, for our staff as well.😉
What’s new with FSBWelcome Poplar Grove! We are excited to announce that Poplar Grove State Bank will be joining the High Point Financial family! Click here to read the full press release.
Supporting the CommunitySauerkraut Days Forreston State Bank donated and handed out 700 ice cream treats to attendees of Sauerkraut Days. Employees also volunteered their time at the community pancake breakfast and pork chop dinner. Wheel-a-thonBecky Brown, our Mortgage Banking Specialist, has been a member of the Wheel-a-thon fundraising committee for many years. This year they added a 5K to the event. Becky and other FSB employees and family participated in the event. Congrats Becky on placing first place in the 5K. The Wheel-A-Thon & 5K is a signature family-friendly RAMP event. It is similar to a walk-a-thon only participants with and without disabilities will navigate a two-mile route in a wheel chair. RAMP is a non-profit, non-residential Center for Independent Living that provides services and advocacy for people with disabilities to allow them to live independently and pursue all possibilities of life. Stephenson County FairIf you attended the Stephenson County Fair this year, you might have noticed we were an Arena Sponsor. Fall Into StocktonWe were also a sponsor of the Stockton Chamber's 7th annual Fall Into Stockton, and had staff on the event committee. If you were at the event, you might have heard her as this year's event MC!
Supporting EducationAg Summit 2019On August 14th we hosted our 3rd Annual Ag Summit. Over 160 guests enjoyed dinner and a presentation by Andrew McCrea, producer of the radio program “American Countryside” and nationally known author and blogger on life in rural America. McCrea’s topic for the evening was “Moving from Ordinary to Extraordinary – What is the ‘Extra?’” McCrea summed up that “extra” as follows: “Our life’s work should be personal and purposeful, and lived with perspective,” and offered examples from his own rural upbringing and his extensive travels. Special guests included Monica Pierce, agriculture instructor from Highland Community College. The bank invited Monica and HCC Ag students to set up a table to help create more awareness of their growing Ag program. More Schools Added!We are adding Immanuel Lutheran, Polo, Eastland, and Highland Community College to the list of cards you can choose from! If you are not familiar with our Show your School Spirit Donation program, here is how it works: Open a Forreston State Bank Rewards, Secure, or Student checking account along with the Show Your Spirit Debit Card, and we will donate $25 to the participating school of your choice. Already have a Forreston State Bank MasterCard debit card? No problem. Exchange it for a new card and we will donate $5 to your Spirit Card school. Upcoming EventsCelebrating National Coffee DayNational Coffee Day is on Sunday, September 29th, but we decided it should really be celebrated on a Monday. Start your week off with coffee and donuts on us! Stop at any of our locations for your java jump start! Monday, September 30th Freeport Open House (Freeport Location | 996 W. Fairview Rd.)Our remodel is complete! Join us for lunch and other fun activities. October 4th | 11am - 5:30pm We love some Friday night lights!Look for the FSB tent! Come say hi and pick up some fun giveaways to help cheer on your favorite team! Aquin Football Game - September 27th Forreston Football Game - October 11th
Engage & IgniteCheckout our Engage & Ignite Newsletter for our Business Community. We cover topics like branding, marketing, leadership, and business insights.
FSB ChatTime Pressure and a "Scarcity" MindsetIn today’s society, it’s not uncommon to hear someone say, “I need more hours in the day.” Do you find yourself saying the same thing? If so, find out how Scarcity "Mindset" can affect your life. Click here to read more.
It's that time of year again. Looking for some tips to manage the back-to-school stress & tips to manage it? Click here to read our back to school blog!