NEW WEBSITE COMING 1/22/25!What can you expect?
* Please note, online banking will NOT be changing. Click here for a preview! Our FamDecember Anniversary'sHappy Work-A-Versary Jennifer, Carissa, Cathy, Molly, Ed, Robert, and Ashly! Goalsetter is Here!Our staff is excited to let customers know that we have launched Goalsetter, an app that makes saving fun for all ages, with features like saving goals, financial quizzes, and a parent-controlled debit card to help families raise financially smart kids. Stop in at your local branch to learn more or visit https://www.solutions.bank/goalsetter! Jeff Snyder - Retirement
It has been a long-standing reputation in our communities, providing reliable financial services to its customers for decades. Jeff Snyder’s leadership and expertise have played a significant role in shaping the bank's growth and direction over the years. Since joining in 1996, he has seen the bank through numerous industry changes, economic shifts, and has been instrumental in helping it adapt to evolving customer needs and the success of the bank. Susan Engelkens - RetirementAfter 25 years of dedicated service to Forreston State Bank and Solutions Bank Bank, Susan Engelkens has retired. We wish Sue all the best as she embarks on her retirement journey with her family. Illinois Bankers Woman of Impact AwardPresident & CEO of Solutions Bank, Betsy Johnson, was awarded a Woman of Impact Award by the Illinois Bankers Association. The IBA Women of Impact Awards celebrate Illinois Bankers Association members who have made significant contributions and positive impacts in their organizations, communities, and industry. Congratulations on a well-deserved award, Betsy! Employee Achievement - Alex PoirierCongratulations to Alex Poirier on graduating from the Belvidere Area Leadership Academy! This program is dedicated to honing leadership abilities and deepening understanding of business, government, and civic affairs. Through direct engagement with key figures in Boone County, participants can anticipate exclusive networking, insider perspectives, engaging conversations, personal growth, and cultivated opportunities. Well done, Alex! Financial Literacy EducationTravis Lipford, Vice President – Lending, spent some time speaking with Forreston High School’s Consumer Education class about financial literacy! 2024 United Way CampaignWe’ve been having some fun raising money for United Way! Our workplace campaign was a blast! Last week, employees who donated participated in a Chili Cookoff! Who knew we had so many great chefs on our team?! It’s a great opportunity to raise money for an organization that makes such a big impact in our community!
Check FraudDespite a 25% decline in check usage, reports of check fraud have nearly doubled since 2021. Protect yourself: fill in every line to block tampering. #PracticeSafeChecks