Our FSB FamCongrats Carrie!Our mortgage lender, Carrie Haug, received the 2019 Golden Service Award from the Realtor Association of Northwest Illinois. Congrats, Carrie! Anniversaries
Congrats Nikki!Congrats to Nicole Young on her Highland Leadership Graduation. Nicole has been with us for 11 years. We are excited to support her education and watch her talent grow! What’s new with FSBFreeport RemodelOur Freeport remodel is almost complete. We want to thank our staff and customers for their patience during this period. We are excited to introduce a new layout that allows for more private interactions for our customers! Be on the lookout for our open house date! Mission, Vision and ValuesWe are so excited about our updated Mission, Vision, and Values - which are located here on our website, https://www.fsbil.com/About-Us.aspx. However, we want you to get to know us a little better, so we also created this video! Supporting the CommunityBunny Trail 2019The Bunny Trail had a great turnout at Krape Park in April. Thank you to the Freeport Park District for hosting the fun, to everyone who stopped at our table, and to our staff that helped with the basket game and give-a-ways! And a special thanks to the little helper that made sure we had enough bookmarks and crayons on the table for all of the kids who attended! United Way's Day of ActionA couple from our FSB Fam helped out with United Way’s Day of Action. Thank you Kim Rampenthal and Becky Brown for your volunteerism! Striking Success for Children FundraiserOur FSB bowling team had a great time at the Striking Success for Children Fundraiser! All proceeds from this event went to FHN’s Family Counseling Center to help them expand behavioral health programming to at-risk youth in our community. Music on ChicagoWe are not only a sponsor of this year's Music on Chicago in Freeport, but also helped staff the entrance gates of Music on Chicago on June 7! Supporting the Ag CommunityOur Ag team spent some time at several Ag Events this year. They were at the NW Illinois Grazing Conference in Stockton, Illinois Forage Expo in June at Mitchell Dairy and Grain in Winnebago, and the tractor pulls during Leaf River Daze! Now they are busy getting ready for our third annual Ag Summit! Freeport Mastermind Invites Jeff Williams to PresentJeff Williams and Kim Rampental talked about different banking solutions for businesses that are starting up or are planning to expand. They presented valuable information using some creative role plays to help simplify commercial lending as it relates to small business owners. Supporting EducationReflecting on the 2018-19 School Year in Review! Financial LiteracySummer is officially here! Over the school year, our staff had several school visits to lend their hand in financial literacy. Our classroom experiences ranged from working with high school students on budgeting and checking account basics, to helping younger students set up a candy store. We also sponsored EVERFI for Forreston and Aquin high school students. EVERFI’s financial education is tool that educators can use to empower learners to make safe, smart and informed financial decisions. Congrats to all of the EVERFI graduates! ScholarshipsCongratulations to our 2019 Forreston State Bank Scholarship winners! This year we awarded four $1000 scholarships! Congratulations to Aaron Wubbena and Samantha Greenfield (Forreston High school), Tyler Broge (Aquin), and Sydney Hayunga (Freeport High School). We wish them and all of the 2019 Graduates the best of luck! Highland Community CollegeWe continued our support for this educational asset in our community. Last year we donated $9500, which include a $2000 academic scholarship, contributions to the Ag department, and event-based fundraising sponsorships for other educational partnerships at HCC. Upcoming EventsAugust 6th - National Root Beer Float Day We thought this would be a fun one to celebrate. Stop in at any of our three locations for a Root Beer Float on August 6th! August 14th - 3rd Annual Ag Summit. This year's presentation: Ordinary to Extraordinary: The Little Difference That Brings Success in Agriculture" Presented by Andrew McCrea, Keynote Speaker, Oscar-Winning TV & Radio Broadcaster |