Our FamMarch AnniversariesThank you for all you do to help deliver a better banking experience for our customers! Happy Anniversary Cassandra, Ashley, and Brett! Brett Frederick - 5 YearsBrett celebrated a milestone anniversary! His 5th anniversary at Solutions Bank was on March 6th. We appreciate all that you do to help serve our customers! Congratulations! Alicia Schofield - PromotionCongratulations to Alicia Schofield who was promoted to Universal Banker III! New Employees2021 and the start of 2022 have been busy for us! We welcomed new employees, created new positions, and added Durand and Lake Summerset locations! We didn’t get a chance to mention some great additions to our team! Welcome Hunter, Mary, Millie, Beth, Kerrie, Rebecca, Bailey, and Danna! February RecapTax TimeTax related identity theft has been a growing threat as hackers and other thieves steal important information and use it to file tax returns in your name. File taxes early as a guard against identity theft. Check out this article and video to see how filing your taxes early can help protect your identity, and other information from the IRS to make sure you are doing everything you can to protect your personal information. Identity Theft Awareness Week 2022Identity theft awareness week was January 31st - February 4th! Here are a few things to keep in mind to try and do your best to keep your identity and personal information safe!
America Saves Week 2022American Saves Week was February 21st - February 25th! America Saves Week is an annual celebration and call to action for Americans to commit to saving money successfully. First, we talked about saving automatically. “Saving is a habit, not a destination.” This quote is a core belief of America Saves. While having a savings goal is important, the most important, celebratory act is to make saving a habit. The easiest way to make saving a habit is through setting up automatic savings. Online Chat SolutionHave you used our online chat feature? Our chat feature will allow you to talk to one of our Solutions Bankers online! We also have the option to screen share to help walk you through any questions you might have about online banking. Ready to start chatting? Click on the following link to view the two ways that you can start your chat! https://go.mysolutions.bank/online-chat-solutions Solutions Bank ScholarshipDo you know a high school senior heading to college in the fall? We will be giving out several $1,000 scholarships! Applications are due Friday, April 1st! You can find the application on our website at: https://www.solutions.bank/Students 2022 Estate Planning SeminarGet Your Questions Answered!
Experienced attorneys from Plager, Krug, Bauer, Rudolph, and Stodden, Ltd will discuss these questions and review current trends and new developments in estate planning. Join us for this FREE seminar in Freeport on April 5th or in Forreston on April 13th!
Holiday ClosuresFriday, April 15th, 2022: Closing at Noon - Good Friday As always, 24/7 banking is available anytime, anywhere through our mobile app, online banking, and ATM’s. https://solutions.bank/ |