Our FamAnniversaries"The big secret in life is that there is no big secret. Whatever your goal, you can get there if you're willing to work." - Oprah Winfrey Whether you have been with us for 4 years or 24 years, you have accomplished goals set for yourself because of your hard work! Happy Anniversary Jeff, Scott, Brad, Rachel, Shelley, Karen, and Betsy! Jen recently celebrated her 5th anniversary at Solutions Bank! We appreciate all that you do to help serve our customers! Congratulations! New EmployeeKate Dahmer joined our team at Solutions Bank on May 29th as a Regional Director of Business Development. You can find Kate in our Poplar Grove location ready to assist you with your business banking needs! Welcome Kate! PromotionsWe would like to announce several promotions for our staff! Congratulations to Jolene, Scott, Bethany, Carrie, Betsy, Jaime, Ryan, Monica, Jeff, Ed, and Jeff on your well-deserved promotions! Congratulations to Sherri Johns who was promoted to Universal Banker I! EventsCustomer Service Appreciation WeekWe recognized our Customer Service staff the week of October 5th by celebrating Customer Service Appreciation Week! Each staff member received a small gift of appreciation along with a catered lunch. We truly appreciate the hard work that you put in each day and the wonderful service that you provide to our customers. Happy Halloween!We hope all of you had a safe and happy Halloween! ServicesNever by an ATM when you need cash? No problem. Ask us about our checking accounts with ATM Fee Reimbursement or go to https://www.solutions.bank/Personal-Checking.aspx.
We have ATM solutions covered!
Holiday Closing ReminderThursday, November 26th: Closed - Happy Thanksgiving! Thursday, December 24th: Closing at noon. Friday, December 25th: Closed - Merry Christmas! Thursday, December 31st: Closing at noon Friday, January 1st, 2021: Closed - Happy New Year!