Our FamOctober Anniversaries
Thank you for giving each day your all and making a difference. We're grateful that you are part of our Solutions Bank fam! Congratulations on your anniversary Jeff, Scott, Rachel, Shelley, Caitlin, and Kerrie! Kerrie Klitzing - PromotionCongratulations to Kerrie Klitzing who was promoted to Retail Banking Supervisor in Durand! Deanna Aitkenhead - New HireDeanna Aitkenhead joined our team at Solutions Bank joined us in June as a Customer Service Specialist. You can find Deanna at our Poplar Grove State location, ready to assist you with your banking needs! Welcome, Deanna! Human Resources Professionals DayWe celebrated Human Resources Professionals Day on September 26th and recognized our VP of Human Resources, Bethany Burdick! We appreciate you going above and beyond everyday for all of us and creating a workplace we are so proud of! Thank you for all you do!
Randy Hultgren Visit to Forreston Branch
Randy Hulgren, President and CEO of Illinois Bankers Association visited Solutions Bank's Forreston office with Betsy Johnson, President and CEO of Solutions Bank and Chairman of the Illinois Bankers Association. Supporting the Community!The month of September we had lots of fun supporting the community! We had various employees participating in several different events including the HCC Leadership Golf Outing, the HCC Ag Farm to Table Dinner, and RAMP Wheel-a-Thon and 5K! National Cyber Security Awareness MonthThroughout the month of October, we will be sharing many reminders from the American Bankers Association of things that Solutions Bank will not ask our customers in honor of National Cyber Security Awareness Month. #BanksNeverAskThat
Save the Change
Save The Change. An easy way to build your savings by making everyday purchases on your Solutions Bank debit card. To learn more, go to https://www.solutions.bank/Savings-Details
Keep Your Money SafeSending money is fast and easy with Zelle. We know getting money to friends and family quickly and safely is important, here are some friendly reminders on how to “pay it safe” when sending money with Zelle.
Once your payment has been sent, you aren’t able to cancel it if the receiver is already enrolled with Zelle. It’s very important to make sure you have all the information correct the first time.
If you are second guessing the transaction, you are about to make or aren’t sure of the person you are paying, we recommend not using Zelle.
When sending money with Zelle it’s sent fast directly from your bank account to another person’s bank account, so think of that money as if you are handing someone cash.
Holiday ClosuresFriday, November 11, 2022: Closed - Veterans Day Thursday, November 24, 2022: Closed - Thanksgiving As always, 24/7 banking is available anytime, anywhere through our mobile app, online banking, and ATM’s. https://solutions.bank/ |