Our FamSeptember Anniversary'sHappy Work-A-Versary Amy, Faith, Jen, Carrie, and Rebecca! Forreston's Sauerkraut DaysAlways a good time at Sauerkraut Days in Forreston! It was great seeing everyone! Music on ChicagoOur group of volunteers had a great time working the beverage table at Music on Chicago in Freeport! Thanks to everyone who came out to show their support and enjoy the music! Cheers! Winnebago County Fair 4-h AuctionsSeveral from our team were busy clerking the Winnebago 4-H Livestock Auctions again this year! Keep Your Money SafeIt's weird for your bank to ask your take on the pumpkin spice debate... almost as weird as banks asking for your PIN in a phone call—total scammer move. Tell us where you stand, then test your scam-spotting skills with the #BanksNeverAskThat quiz 👉 https://www.banksneveraskthat.com/ Fraud EducationWatch Out For Caller ID Spoofing Phone CallsScammers love personal information, especially yours and anyone else’s they can steal, using it to target your finances or as part of some other fraud scheme. Click here to check out this video for tips from The Federal Communications Commission and the Better Business Bureau on what you should do in regards to caller ID spoofing phone calls. Credit Sense.Your Credit Score and a whole lot more.Credit Sense gives you instant access to your Credit Score...every time you log into your online account. And, there's even more to Credit Sense:
Your Credit Score is key to everything from renting an apartment to buying a home, car or even getting that great job. Know your Score, and work to improve it easily using Credit Sense.
Upcoming Holiday ClosuresMonday, October 14, 2024: Closed - Columbus Day
As always, 24/7 banking is available anytime, anywhere through our mobile app, online banking, and ATM’s. https://www.solutions.bank/Digital-Banking |