Solutions Bank Chat

Spread the Local Love Part 3: Commitment & Collaboration

Written by Amanda Pierce | Oct 23, 2018 7:03:10 PM



Written by: Amanda Pierce

Read | 2:25 min

A couple weeks ago we published the first part of our three-part series blog, Spread the Local love – Shop local. We shared some very compelling reasons to shop locally. We then published part two - Spread the word. In this blog, we discussed how you can be a brand ambassador for local businesses and your community. Spreading the word will cost you time, but can earn a business new and valuable opportunities. Now let’s jump into part three, Commitment and Collaboration.


We could define commitment, but I think it can be defined slightly different from person to person and can depend on your goal. And that’s ok! If you genuinely want to make a difference, find a method that works for you. For example, let’s say I’m in a restaurant and I’ve ordered a steak. It’s cooked to perfection, the service is amazing, and the atmosphere is phenomenal. At that moment the clouds part, a light shines down, and I hear the angels sing. Ok, so maybe I’ve overexaggerated. Nonetheless, it’s the perfect customer experience, and I need to write a review! I grab my phone and begin. As I’m writing, I start to second guess myself. I think, “this post is too long” or “does that sound credible?”. As I hit backspace for the twenty-seventh time, I say out loud, “I’ll finish this later.” But I won’t. I’ll have every intention to go back and write a beautifully composed review that will have all of the readers wanting to experience that same glorious moment, but I’ll get busy and forget and altogether miss my opportunity to make a difference. Here is where self-awareness comes in. I probably should have at least given them a 5-star rating at that moment. If I have time later, I’ll come back and write that review. I’ll just commit to simple interactions. That method works for me, and it’s a goal I know I can accomplish. Just remember, no matter how big or small, your commitment can make a difference.


Again, we could define collaboration, but this can also be defined slightly different from person to person and by the situation. Whether you are heading up the Small Business Saturday campaign in your community or you’ve convinced your sister to buy your birthday gift locally this year, your actions can make a difference. Talk to your friends and family about the commitment you’ve made to support local businesses. Share blogs like this. Simply put, together we can do more.

Commitment and collaboration can create inspiring results. You can shop locally. You can spread the word. You can help define your community brand. You can help energize your community. Together you may find the catalyst for building a stronger, healthier, and more economically vibrant community.