Challenge accepted.
If you haven't already, be sure to checkout Part 1 of this blog, Why bother? Trying to stand out among the 10,000 marketing messages the average person is exposed to per day is a bit of a daunting task. If you have found your "why," your passion, and your purpose, this may not seem like a challenge at all. In fact, you’re probably dying to show those 10,000 marketing messages how it’s really done! But first, let's talk strategy...
Where do you start?
Well, everyone loves a good story. According to Donald Miller, CEO of StoryBrand and best selling author, the average brain daydreams 30% of the time, but will not daydream if you’re watching a movie, or going on a Netflix binge that may or may not last for days… Don’t worry, I won’t judge😉. If you have spent the time to discover your "why" (like we talked about in part 1 of this blog), you already have a start to content – so start telling your story! Brands are driven by storytelling. Make it compelling, so it resonates with your target audience.
Let's do this!
The infographic below will help you get started. It covers:
- A very brief history lesson
- What Storytelling is, what it isn’t
- What Storytelling will do for your brand
- Why Storytelling works
- How to find your story
- How to tell your story

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