Our FamDecember Anniversaries
Thank you for your years of service, your hard work, your dedication, and for everything that you do each day. Happy Anniversary Ed, Robert, Cathy, Jennifer, and Ashly! Promotions and New Career PathsCongratulations to Rebecca Young who was promoted to Universal Banker I. We appreciate all that you do to help serve our customers. Congratulations!
Giving our team the tools they need to grow is one of our top priorities. We also work to personalized career paths to help employees reach their goals. Even with the right tools, it takes work to achieve your goals. Congratulations to those who took advantage of the tools and received promotions and to those exploring a new career path in banking. We can't wait to see what the future holds for you! Welcome
In the last couple months we've welcomed several new employees and some great additions to our team! Welcome Travis and Brittany!
2022 United Way CampaignWe’ve been having some fun raising money for United Way! Our workplace campaign was a blast! Last month, employees who donated participated in a Chili Cookoff! Who knew we had so many great chefs on our team?! It’s a great opportunity to raise money for an organization that makes such a big impact in our community! Jersey Day!We celebrated National Jersey Day and decided to show off our favorite teams!
What are you thankful for?Around Thanksgiving time last month, we asked our employees "What are you thankful for?" Here are their responses! Keep Your Money Safe5 tips for keeping your money safe during the holiday season!
4 Reasons you should use Solutions Bank Secure Rewards checking & debit card this holiday season!Benefits like cell phone protection, extended warranties, buyer’s protection and extended warranty on purchases, and ATM Fee Reimbursements can be valuable this holiday season. Click here to learn more about these features and more! Holiday ClosuresMonday, December 26, 2022: Closed - Christmas Monday, January 2, 2023: Closed - New Years As always, 24/7 banking is available anytime, anywhere through our mobile app, online banking, and ATM’s. https://solutions.bank/ |